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Earthquake in Blackpool

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albaqwerty | 06:37 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Did I hear the news correctly? 2/2 on the Richter Scale.


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I think this one is probably an April Fool joke but am prepared to be proved wrong :P
anyone living in B'pool to confirm?
It's been closed to buses for a couple of weeks......(I know, it's less than half a mile from me.)
I didn't feel anything either.............I was asleep............but I might have been aware of something if I hadn't been.

The reports are across all forms of media in many places.
I'm about 8 miles away but didn't feel a thing, I was awake at that time as I didn't go to bed till after 3am. Not sure 2.2 would be felt this far away though.
Apologies all round - British Geological Survey confirms the earthquake as 2.2, occurring at 2.32 GMT (3.32 BST) approx 4 km NE of Blackpool.

However, the Richter Scale defines 2.0 to 2.9 as 'minor - generally not felt but recorded' with about 1,000 occurring per day.

The damage to the bridge shown in the local paper is old and has nothing to do with this event. Local opinion says that bridge is in better condition than many other roads in the area as a result of the potholes!

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Earthquake in Blackpool

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