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I'm puzzled.

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Jemisa | 10:35 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Postman has just been and I've got four cards I presume they're mothers day cards, I won't open them til Sunday.

What puzzles me is - I've only got three children.....

I know its April Fools day but....What d'ya think?



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Could one be from a grandchild?
Jem I hope you get away with the postman has just been...I didn't..LOL
you must be a lovely Mum and Grandma, like SS says, it could be from a grandchild
-- answer removed --

A postman this early? Gotta be an April fool
What the hell is the tick-tock-tick-tock about?
Could it be from your Other Half ?
Question Author
Don't think its from the kids because its a printed address label but its definately a card.

Shall I open it? - or leave it til Sunday with the others.

Open it Jemisa. The suspense is killing you and us.
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Opened it after tea this evening couldn't wait any longer....Yes, it was a card it was a Ahhhhh! Wedding Invitation from an old friend who had decided at last to get married after living together for 11 years. (2nd marriage for both)
It will be a June wedding. Ahhhh!!!

oh ,a new hat for you jem.

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I'm puzzled.

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