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Should incest between

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McMouse | 11:27 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
consenting adults be accepted if pregnancy isn't possible?


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Incest. Is that a game for all the Family?
The problems with finding a sibling/parent who you have previously been estranged from or didn't know existed are quite different and I agree, heart breaking. I also think that it's very often misplaced love/bonding and needs a lot more exploring.

I deal with incest cases... parents, siblings etc... It's absolutely not something that can be accepted.
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Agree Boo..parent/child does have a yuk factor, not least because of the age difference.
as children ab not, but between consenting adults i have no issue with it, i would find it weird but each to their own
Ok, CD. I respect that you'll have a 'real life' view on this where I am merely munching biscuits and musing.........

But would you feel the same applies to a 20 something year old brother and sister who have come to the decision, together, with no pressure applied from either side ?
The finding a sibling and not realising is something that is always slightly in the back of my mind as it could happen to me, I do have a biological sister that I've never met.
It's quite a 'modern' thing, chuck, although saying it is becoming more frequent is to overplay it.
The mobility of people and the 'relaxation' (if you like) of modern social mores has led to an increase in people knowing less about their 'families' and their roots.
I do Jack. The reason being that in my experience, incest can come about in cases where there has been abuse within a family which has not been dealt with and because of this, the appropriate boundaries and 'off buttons' do not apply... So while you may still have two older siblings making this decision, in my experience, it's rare that they are making such decisions from the same premise as someone else would.

Also, you have mothers of children who have been abused by their fathers and who still have those fathers in their lives... They are unable to get themselves out of a cycle of abuse (even if no longer occuring, the mindset is still there) which means they are unable to protect their own children and also themselves. Again, boundaries and a sense of right and wrong are all wobbly.

I am sure not all incest cases are like this, but a lot of what I see is and for that reason, I will never be on board for incest becoming more exceptable. I'd be happy for it to be more talked about though :c)
I should think the main reason for it happening is going to be one or the other sibling being adopted, in my case it was me that was put up for it at birth.

I knew you'd have a sensible answer. :o)
I suppose there is a sort of 'chicken or egg' rationale to the question, isn't there ?
And, despite their assurances, could we ever be certain that the people concerned were as 'normal' as you and I in the examples and cues they were using to make decisions ? :o)
Just be careful of any women you meet who may have an affinity with penguins, chuck.........!!
I think it would be rare to find a case where the people in questions are coming from the same place as anyone with a sibling even if abuse wasn't involved. Most of us don't even want to imagine our siblings having rudies let alone be involved! I think I would always start with the premise that a wire wasn't functioning somewhere I'm afraid.

I don't apply the same logic to cases where siblings/parents have met after having never met. I do think that it's misplaced love though and I think it's sad.
I have a friend who married her full cousin - she lived in Ireland and emigrated to Australia where she met him thus she did not know him - she went on to have 5 highly intelligent children. You can legally marry your full-cousin - I do think you have to get permission from the church tho.
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Full cousin breeding is not incest and although legal is not recommended in extended families because of the high incidence of birth defects etc.
We are forced to accept sex between plenty of other 'types' of consenting adults which many of us find equally wrong as being 'normal', so why not this?
In the days of large families and small houses there must have been a lot of it.
It used to be accepted that young men could "practice" on their granny (back in the Middle Ages I think)
Consenting adults, no offspring possible ? No one else's business.
I suppose it is also, to a large degree , very natural. It happens throughout wildlife in varying degrees. It just seems a little sick.

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