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the happy thread, whose happy on here today?

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Bobbisox | 15:31 Tue 05th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I am...........:-)


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I'm happy! Since having a second chance at lie makes me that way now - well mostly. I look at my lovely family, gorgeous hubby or my doggies, or take a walk around my garden and i'm pleased with my lot!
I'm feeling like a spare trick at a magicians wedding if I'm honest. I know why but to say would convey the wrong impression.
im happy, just trying to get through a dozen cupcakes i received for mothers day !!!!!!!!!!
of course I meant to type life, not lie!!
I'm happy Bobbs!

And I'm just about to go and stuff my face with a three course meal at a bargain price, courtesy of Groupon.
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the happy thread, whose happy on here today?

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