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Sod's law

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mollykins | 15:32 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Wednesdays are meant to be a study day with us occaisionally having to in for assemblies.

I went to one of my high schools for extra maths revision. This school is a ten minute walk from the town centre and it's my umms birthday on sunday so I thought I'd go shopping.

On my way I saw one of my biology teachers (she's only part time) but believed my explanation (after she saw my maths text book in my bag), In town i also saw; three members of the cast of 'oliver' I was helping out with (they're all adults though so weren't bunking) as well as an instructor from cadets who believed me and told me about an offer on at one of the shops I hadn't thought of looking in. And finally in a card shop, the woman at the till said that she recognised me and asked if i went to tunble tots when i was little, which I did! but that was about ten years ago . . .

So sod's law, the only time I try and avoid seeing people in town, is the day when I see the most, at least I didn't get into trouble . . .

Has this kinda thing happened to any of you lot recently?


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It was only the second time i've done it since september, I'm sure other people do it a lot more often.
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Yeah but it's a big one for my mum.
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Bracelets, an adorable little phone sock (she's always scratching her phone), a funny card (count your blessings, not your candles . . . you don't want you cake to melt :P) and I'll get her some chockies tomorrow.
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It always happens Molly,some years ago, after I'd split with my ex but before I'd met Trish, I was seeing this lady who happened to be married, she made her excuses and off we went to Brid for the week end,thinking nobody goes to the seaside in January, and who was the first person I saw? my next door but one neighbour.Fortunately he was up to no good himself so nothing was ever said but it just goes to show Molly
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Oh dear paddy and pinki . . .
I remember meeting someone from work in the chemist, when I was signed off sick and going to collect my prescription - I could see her thinking "she doesn't look that ill, why isn't she at work?"
It was embarrassing to say the least, I still see the guy every now and then and we always have a secret snigger about when we went to Brid. The Lady concerned is still with her husband and though she moved out of the area I saw her when she came up for her father in laws funeral we were having a chat as you do and when my ex-neighbour came over she went a beautiful shade of red
paddy. two men in brid. cheating on their oh. did the wives/partners ever find out ?
I used to bunk off school quite a lot but wasn't particularly bright when I did it. We would go down town (which is dumb enough itself) and go and sit in Market Square. My address at the time was The Whiteleaf (Dad's pub), Market Sqaure.

I suppose that's less sods law and more thick cow syndrome.
My niece and nephew went to Kirkley High school molly is that near you?
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Yes dotty, it's a hell hole . . . they have police there all the time, but the teachers are quite good they have to be, to be able to teach anything to those lower school chavs.
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Unless you go to yarmouth, it's by far the worst school in the area but it's mainly down to the kind of people that go there now, but it used to be good, my auntie went there and got all As and Bs and that was 30ish years ago.
My neice was married in 1987 when she was 22 and my nephew is 3 years older and so they must have been there a while ago, their dad had a hairdressers near there in the 1970s and 80s. James I think it was called
Well Anne I was in between ladies so I wasn't actually cheating and as I said, Sue is still with her husband though whether he ever found out and they worked through I don't know he's never given any sign of knowing on the odd occassions we've met , With the other couple my neighbour later split with his wife when she took off with another man and his girlfriend and her husband emmigrated so I don'tknow what happened to them. Even now all these years later I still can't believe it I mean Bridlington in January isn't many peoples idea of a ideal spot thats why we chose it

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