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There's a spot on my knob.........

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McMouse | 09:41 Fri 08th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
.......that I just can't get to shine. I've tried Brasso and Duraglit, but the door knob still looks tarnished in places. What to do?


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Nurse ! Nurse !

This joke has got out of bed...... again................Nurse ! are indeed lucky.................the spot I have is bigger than the knob!!
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Thanks pinki will give it a go.
Brillo Pad might help as it does a job for me ! ;-)
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Must admit for a moment I thought I had gone over to Body and Soul by mistake.
Touch of toothpaste works wonders and hurts like hell if you get it on the wrong one.

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There's a spot on my knob.........

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