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keyplus90 | 20:04 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | Internet
11 Answers
This is not a question really but just seeking opinions.

I have always used Internet Explorer as I am sure many others have done until very recently when other choices became available. I am still loyal to Int Explorer but my kids use Google chrome. Just today when talking to a software provider which I use, I was told that Int Exp is not reliable.

So first of all which one do you use and why?


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Pretty much anything except Internet Explorer, though I have to say that IE9 isn't too bad.

I use Google Chrome because of its small resource footprint.
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I use Firefox for the add-ons and Safari - for no other reason than it was already on my Mac - as my back up browser...
Firefox for me. Far faster than IE and easy to customise (with add-ons and themes).
Safari, and Firefox for backup. Wouldn't touch Microsoft with a bargepole if I can help it.
>>>> when other choices became available

Other choices did not become available, they were already available and have been for years.

In fact some of these browsers were available before Internet Explorer ever became available.

Microsoft were quite late to catch on to the internet (Bill Gates admitted it years ago) and there were all sorts of other browsers available before IE was available.

But of course Microsoft know how to use (or abuse) their power so they made sure they shipped IE with Windows, and now it is the worlds most used browser.

The reason it is risky ("not reliable" you say) to use IE is that because it is used by so many people hackers and virus writers tend to focus on IE when writing their viruses.

They tend not to write them for Firefox and other browsers (not that I am saying you are totally safe using other browsers).
Currently on Firefox 4 but I still have IE 7 available for some sites.
I have used Firefox for years because the add ons make it very useful to me. I can't see any ads on this page because I use Adblock Plus; all my pcs are synched so that bookmarks, tabs, passwords etc are the same on each; I can search Google, Wikkipedia, eBay, Amazon, and many others directly from my search bar; I have enjoyed a bookmark toolbar for years (fairly new to IE) and it looks the way I want it to look.
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Thanks to all of you. More votes on Firefox and I will give it a go.
I use Firefox. Tried Chrome, but regardless of changing every relevant setting I can find, it insists on taking me Greek web sites. This is the problem with the Yanks. Because they rarely go abroad themselves, they think that everyone only uses their computer in their home country.

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