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net1961 | 21:34 Sat 09th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
still finding my way round this great site. i got a funny story to tell. there is a 14 year age gap between my partner and i me being the oldest at just turned 50. but i didn't think it was that big a gap until we are talking about musicians. i said jimi hendrix played a gig in my town in the 60's now my partner is from somerset and said " but we have famous muscians play at glastonbury" lol i was like "uh" she had never heard of jimi hendrix .
also i was once browsing the vinyls in a charity shop with my sons who was young back then .i picked up a mozart record one of my sons said "which band is that?" nothing like being made to feel ancient lol


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Looks like one of those fixed grins ttfn.
That's not nice :-(
I was about to say that star, we're not used to seeing her smiling so broadly.
Based on the av it is true craft, bring back the smoking baby ☺
I had complaints about it ttfn...............
In about 1995 my then husband's daughter (aged about 10) asked us what we had done in WW2. We were 35 & 38, as I recall.
My sister once asked my mum what it was like when they had horses and carriages - my mum's only 62 now!!!
It's like someone asking my boss "what did you do in the war, Mrs X?" - he's younger than me!

Glad to see Ena has returned, phew....

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