Quizzes & Puzzles8 mins ago
going barking mad!!!!!
i can't take much more of my neighbours barking howling dogs it's driving me crazy. they put them outside in a kennel/run from about 7am and this howling and barking continues until the owners get home around 5/6pm then theres no peace because they just let them out in their garden where the barking and howling continues because the dogs want to go inside. so eventually around 8/9pm they let them in. my partner works nights and is not getting much sleep.she has asked the neighbours to leave the dogs in just for one day so she could get some sleep but was told it wasn't their fault she worked nights and refused my partners request saying as they out at work all day it wasnt fair on their dogs to leave them shut inside cages all day. i want to repoert them to our local council but my partner says not to as the stress from upsetting the neighbours would be more than their dogs barking. last time we reported them for noise a few years ago they turned hostile . my partner tells me not to center on the barking but how the hell can i not when its all the time.we brought a sonic dog reppeller it works but i have to keep pointing it out the window to shut them up then they only shut up for about a minute.one to put outside is too costly as we arn't well off. the other neighbours are fed up with it aswell but none of them will complain.these dogs howl like wolves .i cant piut music on loud to block them out as i said my partner works nights.i can't put headphones on as i need to hear the phone if it rings as my mum isn't well. this morning i was woken up at 7am by the howling i was not a happy bunny . it was about 6.30am the other morning. any suggestions welcome.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Contact your local environmental health dept. I know you dont want to report them but it wont get solved until you do. They are being completely selfish and breaking the law with the noise at those times. The council wouldnt reveal it was you who had reported them so it could be anyone of your neighbours. I would definitely report them and deny it was you if they ask! Youve tried the nice approach and that hasnt worked, they deserve it.
You are certainly in danger of damaging your (and partner's) health if this situation goes on for much longer. I feel for you as we were once in the same position. Ours was resolved by collecting support from other neighbours and presented this to the local council collectively.
Unfortunately this is a result of living in a pet crazed Nation. Most pet owners are considerate and take precautions so that their pet does not cause annoyance to neighbours. There is however a larger than acceptable lot who are selfish and should go and live in the countryside.
The councils in the UK are very slack when it comes to annoyance from pets, in fear of upsetting too many potential voters. Your situation is intolerable and you really should take this further, the scandal rags or even local TV is a good place to drum up sympathy. You'll see how quickly you'll get official action once your problem is in the public domain.
Good luck.
Unfortunately this is a result of living in a pet crazed Nation. Most pet owners are considerate and take precautions so that their pet does not cause annoyance to neighbours. There is however a larger than acceptable lot who are selfish and should go and live in the countryside.
The councils in the UK are very slack when it comes to annoyance from pets, in fear of upsetting too many potential voters. Your situation is intolerable and you really should take this further, the scandal rags or even local TV is a good place to drum up sympathy. You'll see how quickly you'll get official action once your problem is in the public domain.
Good luck.
At My old house nextdoor had 6 dogs who lived in the garden and were never aloud in the house. They barked 24 hours a day, it was hell. I never dared to say anything as they were bad people and we would have come off worse.
When We moved my Son (13 year old) said it was the first good nights sleep he had ever had. A few years later a new family moved in to our street and left the dog in the garden while they were at work. It so got me down and I rang the council and the barking stopped the next day. No one knew it was Me and no one fell out. So report them and dont tell anyone it was you, it will work.
When We moved my Son (13 year old) said it was the first good nights sleep he had ever had. A few years later a new family moved in to our street and left the dog in the garden while they were at work. It so got me down and I rang the council and the barking stopped the next day. No one knew it was Me and no one fell out. So report them and dont tell anyone it was you, it will work.
i can see why you don't want to phone the council, as they may guess it was you as you've already spoken to them about the dogs. but, you and your partner can't be expected to carry on regardless. these people are clearly being very inconsiderate. i would phone thecouncil and let them sort it out - and like tigwig says, deny, deny, deny if you get asked xx
another neighbour has now rang the council this was on monday they said they was going to send the dog warden round. but now it's sunday and the dogs are outside in their kennel barking . so i don't know if the dog warden has been round and they have just ignored any request to try and keep their dogs quiet or that the dog warden hasn't been round. i feel sorry for their dogs if they was happy outside surely they wouldn't howl and bark. they told us they put the dogs in the kennel while they are out at work but they put them in the kennel at weekends when they are at home. sorry but i think dogs should be part of the family and treated like a member of the family. then when they are running free in the garden after a while they bark and howl at the door to be let in but the neighbours ignore them this can go on for hours. and according to the council they would not had issued a licence to them to breed their dogs as they live in a residental area but yet again they are breeding their dogs to sell the puppies. plus boarding some of the puppies from last year when the owners go on holiday etc.what angers me is they are aware their dogs bark and howl but do nothing to try and correct the problem.i have 4 small dogs and if they start barking in the garden(usually at next doors dogs barking and howling) i bring them in . i'm just hoping the council will do something . my other neighbour who reported them lives several doors away but also told the council that i was fed up with it to as i live next door to them.so thats two complaints but i will be ringing them up myself to see if anything has been done .