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A wet end's the way....

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merciasounds | 10:16 Mon 11th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I like to put it in my mouth till the end gets nice and wet, then guide it to the hole. Doesn't always work if there's a long 'hairy' bit, you have to snip that off with sissors and start again. How do you thread a needle with cotton? :-)


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I wet the end then stab the cotton blindly at the hole in the needle until I lose my patience and ask one of the kids to do it
Mercia please, no innuendo and smut on a sunny Monday morning!

BTW, I use the same method.
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Last Christmas, from a box of cheapo crackers, I got what was grandly termed 'the automatic needle threader- you had to put the needle in the hole upside down, lay your thread across then press this little lever down, where from inside the workings a curved piece of flattened wire pushed the thread through the eye. You had to make sure you got th eye of the needle in the right place, but you couldn't see where it was inside the machine, then the cotton got caught and broke....I'll go back to my wet end I think!!
Wow I wondered what you were talking about until I got to the end!!!!

A dab of nail varnish hardens the end making it easily threadable.
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Just thought I'd be a bit naughty and give people a smile funnygirl - and be totally innocent at the same time!!
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innuendo and smut, Eccles? Don't know what you're talking about!!

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A wet end's the way....

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