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bedside table

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jb190281 | 05:13 Mon 11th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
do you have one and what's on it??

I've realised this morning that mine has a strange selection of items

2 photos, 2 bracelets, 1 watch, 1 necklace, tub of cotton buds, a payslip, box of rennies, a dummy, bottle of eucaluptys oil, and rather oddly, a bottle of HP sauce!!


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Good morning jb x Mine is a multi- shelf type unit, but on the top is the phone alone. Underneath, books, spare glasses, heart spray, pens and notebook and hand cream. My nude photo of moony is firmly attached to the dart board - my favourite out shot is 2 x 25 and 1 x 50 ;o)
That brings tears to ones eyes ttfn
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HP sauce, I have no idea, I'll blame OH
A lamp, ear plugs (partners snoring), mobile phone and a dummy :-)
Glass of water, lamp, books, kindle, roll on deodorant, tv remote, packet of tissues. Very boring.
radio,bedside light,bottle of water,meds, thats on the top the lower shelf has olbas oil,lavender oil, lavender body lotion,nivea cream, mints, rescue rememdy. cuboard to it has my ds lite games in it .
a lamp, some rennies, an alarm clock that has the wrong time and my iphone (for use as an alarm clock)
I do & on this morning the cat was on it. Purring loudly & staring at me til I woke up & gave him breakfast.
Alarm clock (turned off)
Volume control

I take my table with me wherever I go though.
empty plate, with fork (can't remember what I had on it- been here few weeks)
Simple facial wipes
baby lotion
nicorette inhaler thingy
''(can't remember what I had on it- been here few weeks)''

Probably mould now you lazy cow ;-p
My side - stereo and a glass of water. His - alarm clock and a joke bell he bought that says "Ring for Sex" on it.
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A turkey carcass?
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clock radio with light, caraffe and glass for water, painkillers, book, tissues and a letter. On hubby's side is a lamp, book, reading glasses case, mini torch, half a tube of Polo mints and some eyedrops

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