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Another lost day?

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McMouse | 10:30 Thu 14th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
District nurse comes twice a week to dress an ulcer on the MIL's leg. She used to come between 10 and 10.30 a.m. but has now been told by her management to vary her regular appointments so as to 'enrich' the lives of the elderly patients. Wonderful, she now comes any time between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and I have to stay in to open the door.


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Precisely pixi. In fact it works the other way because most old people like routine so they know where they are.
Presumably "enrich' the lives of the elderly patients" translates to "reduce the amount of complaints about being late"
Could you contact "the management" and explain its not going to work for you, alternatively give the District Nurse your mobile number so she can let you know shes on her way and you can tell her how soon you can get there, or would she be allowed to have a key ?There is nothing more annoying than waiting hours for someone to show up.
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Tried that Dee.....but they refuse to make advance mobile phone contact. The question of a key is a non starter because they now use a pool of about 10 nurses who get allocated their appointments on a daily basis and so we rarely get the same nurse. Also our insurers were very sniffy about the idea.
combination key safe outside the door?


Change the combination weekly and leave your mobile number by the safe telling the nurse to call you for the combination and also get them to leave the key with your MIL when they've finished, Only putting back in the safe on the correct day.
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That's a good idea chuck. Will run that past the insurers.
My Grandad has one McMouse. Very convenient.
Phone and tell them it isn't convenient, doesn't matter the reason, I can't see why they can't keep a regular appointment for a few and random the rest.
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Tried that Mercia......they won't have it. Another problem is that MIL puts off her breakfast until the nurse has been. Today I convinced her to have something at 10.30. Nurse still hasn't arrived and I've already started negotiations regarding lunch time!
If the nurse could visit at any time it will put the oldies off going for a nap, snack or wee. As you say when we get older we, generally, prefer a set routine.

My parents were bad - they used to leave the front door open all day. A few times my dad woke up to a medication delivery from the chemist on the coffee table. My door is locked and bolted.

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