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Any Suggestions on How to Trace Someone?

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mrs_overall | 18:01 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | Law
34 Answers
One of my sisters has worked in a small hotel for years for a husband and wife. The husband died so the widow decided to sell up. My brother in law (a joiner) did a load of work for her. Unbeknowst to them, she made a sale and did a flit in the middle of the night. She owes my sis a months wages and owes my brother in law £3,000. He is a one man outfit and can't afford to stand this loss.
The new hotel owners have no forwarding address. The solicitor and estate agent also have no forwarding address.
Any suggestions please?


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BTW, it's not just by sis and hubby she has conned - she has left a trail of debts with tradesmen all over town
If she ran off without paying wages it may be that she has unpaid bills - maybe somebody has information that you don't. Do a Miss Marple.
Hi - someone posted a question about a similar thing sometime ago - might be the same thread that Micmak was referring to. If you find it, you might find some other helpful information.
It was you Mrs O............I remember asking you if the conveyancing solicitor/ estate agent could forward on a letter.........
Have you checked back to see if anyone had any other good ideas ?
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Was it me? OMG, I must be getting Oldtimers disease - I have no recollection
Have you been sucking your aluminium saucepans...............? :o)

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I am losing the plot - I posted this in February - doh!

There's a chance she is using her maiden name but is there a possibility there is a newspaper obituary in the local paper that might have named relatives or mourners at the funeral, I know some local papers still do that
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There was no obituary in the local paper.

Did you get my email dotty?
Yes I've replied twice lol
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Got your replies - I dont know how you do it dotty, but I am impressed with what you have discovered in the space of minutes! Bless ya! xx
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dotty - I have to go offline now - thanks for all you are doing xx
Monkey Finder are really good. They're a no find no fee company and they found an address of the person I was looking for ridiculously quickly (with limited information). I think they charged about £40 but well worth it if you're trying to find someone.
Or it could be Finder Monkey, sorry!!

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