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The English Defence League - Candidate for Mensa

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sp1814 | 07:37 Sun 10th Apr 2011 | News
55 Answers
Not a question...just want to draw as many people to this WONDERFUL clip.

This has gone a long way in convincing me that the EDL make a lot of sense when it comes to their views on Muslamic Law (not my phrase).

Also, it would appear that Muslims are in possession of 'ray guns'.

Stunningly funny.


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I felt the same as Starbuckone did...ashamed to be laughing, when I grasped that doing so was rather like laughing at someone falling over and then realising he'd done so because he was a cripple. I switched it off before the end of the clip.
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Lol pixi...loved this...

We are working on a ray gun deterrent, its called intelligence.
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Russel Howard?
>> Sly,duck - not sure what your contributions mean I'm afraid. <<

Just pointing out that a lot of other people are using the same words thought you would have spoted that.
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I don't actually find him very funny but that's where I first saw the clip...

That facebook page is funny though...
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I thought they just stopped someone randomly....bad luck to the EDL...

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The English Defence League - Candidate for Mensa

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