All of a sudden my emails aren't coming through. I've have nothing for a couple of days but I know some have been sent. Can anyone suggest anything that might help?
I'm on Windows 7, using windows live mail. Have I accidently changed a setting or something?
Open your email page and click on tools , select accounts and click on your account click on properties and check your POP3 and SMTP settings which should read mail.and the last part of your email address which your ISP has given you. eg of these settings must be the same. Try this first if you are still having an issur you may have to call your ISP and have them test your internet connection or their server for a fault
Thanks for your answer Galeck. I can't find Tools anywhere on the page.
I have 2 emails addresses and they both come through on windows live mails. One is still OK and the other has stopped coming through. I don't think it can be my ISP, do you?
I must admit I'm a bit in the dark with email since windows 7 came out. I used to use outlook express and I knew what I was doing with that.