Question Author
The League Table after this third week is:
SIX POINTS: Aquagility & deecee131
FOUR POINTS: Christiana, Dinkypuzzled, Mrs Ont-ice, owllady, rockfordill & Strix
THREE POINTS: Elspeth, evsajo, Jools, kawakiri & tearinghair
TWO POINTS: beejay1124, centrino, cliffyg, freebi, grannydi, kettledrum, ladyalex, LaneyB, lysander, patchett, SHAZZA & wickedtongue
ONE POINT: boxtops, ChrisHewit, cupid04, Eiggam, fordward, Jim, jobjockey, joto, mirandasmum, Mr Ont-ice, seekeerz, tearinghair & x-ray
With three weeks under our belt, the month of April looks well and truly stabilised. With still two weeks left, there is still time to go loopy again! I can’t wait for Week[4]. See you then.
I have compiled the League Table (above) under severe time pressure. Please check your entry and report any errors.
Until we meet up again: HAPPY LINKING!