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Jobs I Wish I Hadn't Started

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joggerjayne | 17:23 Tue 19th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Jet hosing my balcony.


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That's jolly ... an electric golf trolley.

I wonder what cazzzy thinks of golf GPS guides? I asked Daddy if he fancied one. He said part of the game is using your judgment to decide if the hole looks close or far off, or some such guff. He said if you had a machine to tell you how far it was to the hole, footballers might as well have a machine telling them where to kick the ball when they take a free kick. So that was my birthday present idea boIIocksed.

But people must use them, because there are loads for sale.
Talking to estate agents... that was always going to be a bone of contention in fairness.
yes anne

good golfers use the right club for the distance, pga players use clubs suited to a certain distance measured by the caddie, most bad golfers dont know their distances and tend to use the same couple of clubs over and over

I have a skycaddie
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Sorry, China ??
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So a Skycaddie is a distance device, yes?
Talking to estate agents is a job I wish I hadn't have started. However, it is a necessary means to an end.
yes, skycaddie will tell you how far it is from the tee box to various points like the bunker, a water hazard so you can decide how you will play the hole.

professonals carry a book of distances that have been paced out for them by the caddies (they are a manual version of a distance device) no player worth his salt would guess his way around the course. it certainly wont do anything for their handicap!
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Oh, right.

Sorry, China. I'd forgotten the original question.
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All a bit over my head, I'm afraid.
"Jobs I Wish I Hadn't Started"

Reading Molly's latest thread.
course guides that give distances to hazards and such are available for most courses as well, the same as a skycaddie but not electronic. just ask in the pro shop, they are normally a quid or two
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It's available for download to Kindle.
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"It's available for download to Kindle."

Molly's last thread ... not the golf thingy.
What's a "pro shop"? I wouldn't have thought that it had anything to do with golf! :)

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