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soaps | 22:32 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Do you ever think...... humm that would make a good topic?............and then you forget,.......Wth was I ...........


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going to say?????????? Vib?
all the time :)
Quite often. I will think of something while I am doing something else and by the time I come on to Answerbank I have completely forgotten it.
All the time, usually when I am out and i have forgotten by the time I get home, typical haha..
Yep. that's me. The king of the instant forgetting. Isn't old age wonderful?
Do you suffer from long-term memory loss?
I can't remember...
I never think such thoughts until I am logged on - even then I don't think them. They just appear on my screen as if by magic☺
Who said Black Magic?
who said alcohol :) :)
I thought I was the only one with the cr*p memory. I often think of something but five minutes later I can't remember what it was.
For MR

The problem is short-term memory loss. I am starting to get flashbacks of things that happened years ago but forget why I went from one room to another. I believe it is called 'life'.
Long term, short term and convenient memory loss Mark.
P.S. How come you always know a song to fit the thread?
Because Music Was My First Love, Starb... ;-)
♫And it wll be my last ♫ I'm off to bed. I almost forgot I have an appointment at 9am.☺
-- answer removed --
G'night gran and I shall follow you. The time disappears when I am on Chatterbank.
Yes, I do that. It's annoying innit?
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At least I'm not alone .

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