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AB shutting down for Easter

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joggerjayne | 18:58 Thu 21st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Is AB shutting down for the Easter break?

When are we back? Tuesday morning?

Do we need to say Happy Easter now??


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LOL jj, I'll be here, if nobody else is!
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Has the Ed duped you into cleaning up, Boxy ?
Soddit, he never told me I was nightwatchman!
box... al the staff and moderators have gone to blackpool for the weekend............ i assumed you would be in charge :)
Oh - can we then pretend to be trolls this weekend?
Tisk tisk..... mind you, Ed's just said over there <<< that he's around all weekend, so JJ is spreading an evil rumour!
no dt you cant,,,, box is very strict,
moi, anne? LOL! (mind you DT, I do have a big stick here....)
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Ed is just pretending he's around, to keep us all in line.
The decision as to whether AB will close over Easter has yet to be made.

Apparently the moderators are still squabbling over who'll be on the beach and who'll be on duty on here. Matters weren't helped when one moderator let it be known that the Ed had offered him a bottle of wine to be online for a few hours. Another moderator promptly trumped that by claiming that she'd been offered a whole case of wine. Then yet another moderator, clearly not wanting to be seen as a lesser mortal in the eyes of others, claimed that the Ed had promised her a Eurostar trip to Paris if she covered most of the Easter period.

As things stand, the Editor currently needs to provide two Caribbean holidays, three short breaks in Paris and a case of the finest champagne in order to get moderator cover over Easter ;-)
Shall we volunteer you as a stand in Mod then?

ahem don't forget the offer of a cruise around the Greek islands :)
I'm not standing in anything, DTCF, 'cos when I do that it's invariably smelly ;-)

Yes, the stakes are rising minute by minute , Albaqwerty!
I'd do almost anything for a creme egg :)

Ok, I know I'm cheap but have you seen the price of them these days?!!!
I only notice the price of beer, Albaqwerty ;-)
They sometimes have them on special offer, albaqwerty. They must have spent a lot on television adverts, all of which are very stupid.

Does anyone else feel this way about the silly telly ads?
yoohoo Ed, Chis and alba are sorted for a few pints and creme eggs :D

saves a fortune we does :)
24/7 isn't it?

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AB shutting down for Easter

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