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Washing machine problem.

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jeannamacs | 20:25 Tue 12th Apr 2011 | DIY
4 Answers
Hi, my hotpoint wd420 washer/dryer is stuck on rinse and spin. The water is stil in and the fabric conditioner is still in the drawer. I dont know what to try and do. It has happened twice now and both times i cancelled the programme and had to fast spin it before the door unlocked and i could get the washing out. so i think the problem is its not emptying after the main wash to do a rinse and spin. Any ideas before i call a very expensive repair centre. Its 5 years old and this is the first problem. Hope someone can help me.


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sounds like the filter could be blocked therefor the water will not empty. Look in your instruction manual, some machines have the filter located on the front of the machine so you can do it yourself but read instructions first. If you do this make sure you have a bowl ready because there will be a lot of water comes out so open it VERY slowly.
If you are going to attempt draining by removing the filter can I suggest you have a large old towel or something available as well as a bowl. If you have the manual read this for info about how to drain machine before you start.
The same thing happened to me and it was the filterblocked up with fluff. Mine was on the front so easy to do but water did pour all over the place!!
Are you sure you haven't accidentally activated a rinse hold or suspend cycle? This would hold the water as you describe and wait for you to press the relevant button to move the cycle on - you'd need to look at the manual.

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