Sat having a coffee this morning and rubbed my eye that felt a little sore....tender like it used to when I had Styes as a child.
Minutes later it felt wet! Looked in the mirror and had a shock to see it had blood going halfway over my eye ball.
Went to a walk in medical centre where I saw an lovely Doc who has prescribed an eye Antibiotic ointment suggesting it may be an infection. He did say if it got worse to go back immediately or A&E.
Its now very tender and stings since putting in the ointment.
I had this when I jabbed myself in the eye with a bit of wood. It looked awful and the drops I had did sting but it was better in about a week. You may have burst a small blood vessel.
When you say it felt wet, was it wet with blood or was the blood contained in the eye? That`s a subconjunctival haemmorhage which was probably caused by you rubbing your eye. They can take quite a while to clear although one of my colleages got a bad one a while ago and went to a foreign hospital. I don`t know what they put in his eye but it was clear in 24 hours.
As above it is likely to be a sub conjunctival hemorrhage. Self limiting and likely to 'wash away' and clear in seven days. Looks horrendous but of no great concern but if uncomfortable then try lubrication drops such as liquifilm or systane.