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Can't have a secton for Remember When...

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Bobbisox | 23:15 Thu 28th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
so shall we just do a monthly one?
get your memories flowing peeps for
sometime at the end of May..


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but surely after everyones done their remember whens it will just be a remember last week or remember two weeks ago
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4get, it is surprising just how many memories are stored ready for sharing
Are you alright or suffering from memory loss?

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No I am not suffering from memeory loss, I gleaned by the thread you have linked, that such a thread would come under History?????
My point simply put is that you have asked for a thread re 'Remember when' already.
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and you and Triggs put me right???
so I did say forget it?
so I shall do one in the CB at the end of each month
I, for one, don't need to be organised in this way.
By the end of next month I will have forgotten what I posted at the end of this month, so it could be a perpetual thing!
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ttfn, now theres a surprise eh?

easy, don't take part

Mike, it is not looking good lad..LOL
Put you right? No simply made a constructive point.
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Nighty nite to you too ☺
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Oh dear....

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Can't have a secton for Remember When...

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