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Spooky or what?

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McMouse | 10:34 Mon 02nd May 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Osama Bin Laden dies on same date as Adolf Hitler......


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Errrr didn't Hitler die on the 30th?
and Boxy's sister's birthday!
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ken dodds dads dog died on the same date as adolf....
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Thomas Becket was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral on my birthday (but a couple of years earlier)
I think it's spooky that the US finally eliminated Bin Laden on the same day that I'm going to a pub called The Victory ...

... because, for the US, it was err, a bit of ... err, a victory?

Is that a bit too tenuous?

Okay, I'll just sit quietly and stop interfering.
I'm going to an Air Cadets celebration later on - now there's a coincidence, the US flew into Pakistan to do the deed.

Have a drink, JJ ;-)
I'll make some more coffee.
I think that Rupert The Bear has a birthday today. Spooky. They've both got three names.
Ruperto bin Bearsden (with apologies to Bearsden)
"The" is not a very good middle name, is it.

Mind you, it's better than that guy off Star Wars ... Obi Wanke Nobi

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