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Happy Birthday Moony ♥

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ttfn | 03:45 Tue 03rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I wouldn't ignore you and leave you feeling deflated on your special day ;o)

Gowan then - no one else is looking - mwah (((HUGS))) ♥


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Wrong day you daft old bat. Just can't get the staff these day's.
I saw that, ttfn, bit early for that sort of thing, is it not?
Moony, you are going to have to reveal when your birthday IS, otherwise you'll be getting one of these every morning from ena, you do realise that?!
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Oh well, I withdraw the post though not the sentiment (whenever it is).
LOL ena, morning - are you back at work this morning, too?
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Might as well, boxy, nothing better to do, apparently
only four days.... but still six-days-worth in the office...;-(
happy birthday moonie. remember today is the beginning of the rest of your life. xx
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TH, Thanks for your comments, I must admit it has not been easy taming ttfn, and there has been day's when I felt like giving up on her ,but just one look at that hairnet and her Nora Batties and I realise she is my purpose in life, to mould and groom her in to a fine and upstanding member of AB, even if the zimmerframe does get in the way most of the time. I know some would consider it a form of self harming, I just think of it as my destiny in life.
C'mon then Moony when is the real day? Then we can smother you in good wishes.

Tomorrow Jem.♥
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happy birthday for tommorrow :)

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Happy Birthday Moony ♥

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