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Do you get respect

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TWR | 19:45 Tue 03rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Do you get respect over the age of 70yrs?


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I give respect to anyone, regardless of their age, unless they give me reason not to.
Me and gran wouldn't tut honest. X
I'm all for treat others as you wish to be treated.

If you want to nidge me of the pavement with your shopping bag, I have a brick in my handbag (not really, but I do and can get piddled off

If you are on a motability scooter on the pavement, I Will step aside. Shame that folks who park their cars on pavements are numpties.
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I might give the impression I am a grumpy old sod but when you get to know my wicket sense of humor you can see the caring side of the grumpy old fart.
Here I am then - the oldest inhabitant (female) - there are older males. I love everybody. My neighbours are helpful. The young chaps around here all call me grandma and will help me in all ways. If I want something reached down (I am rather short) I only have to call one of them and they will do it for me. I cannot grumble at them at all - even when they play football in the street outside - where else are the poor little devils going to play? I think we reciprocate respect - I respect them and they respect me. In fact I reckon I get far more out of the relationships than they do. After all, I can't do much for them at my age. What more could I ask for?
Some of these posts are depressingly accepting that 70 is old. Not these days, it's not. My sister was 77 yesterday and is considering taking a free diving course. Long may she continue to live life to the full!
..and on the respect front, I don't think anyone should be respected just because they are older than others. As my old mum used to say, to get respect you have to earn it.

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Do you get respect

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