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My first weeks wage.....

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micmak | 21:05 Wed 04th May 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Was £3.19 shillings take home back in 1964. You cannot get a pint for that now. A good job i don't drink pints.


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£5 a week in 1964
Mine was £2.10 shillings in 1956 my mum gave me 10shillings to buy things through the week.

I can't remember my first wage but I can still get pint a pint for less than £3.95(£3/19). Where do you live?
Mine? £112 for the month (RAF) .. and I still have the pay chit!
£3.17.6d in 1958, then joined the Raf the next year and it rocketed to £5
£6 per week, working in a pork pie factory between school 5th form and 6th form in 1969. However I got asked to work some overtime and nobody had told me about the generous bonus system, so my first pay packet actually contained nearly £8! I was in heaven! ;-)
£1.15s pw (waitressing) that I used to pay for my commercial course.
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Like Scotman, I've just noticed that Micmak seems to be paying very high prices for beer!

I've been drinking excellent 'premium' real ale in Bury St Edmunds tonight at £2.85 per pint. If I go the the best real ale pub in Ipswich, there are several beers available at £2.50 per pint, or for those who (like me) take their own pewter tankard at just £2 per pint.
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My first wage was exactly £5 pw gross.. Of that I had to pay 30s board to my parents and then pay out my fares for work which was 10miles away. Cant remember how much it was but with my dinners I had to buy and my own clothes now I was working, I probably ended up with about 10s Thios was in 1967 when my favourite were Mars bar at 4d
£8 a week after tax (1967). I used to buy a salad lunch which was 1s 6d!
£30 in 1989

I had a Saturday job previous to that and worked full weeks during the summer when I was 14/15yrs old @ £10 per day. I loved that job.
My very first job when I left school at 15 was at Baxters in Scotland. I stood with a jug at the end of the line topping up the beetroot jars all for £2 15 shs a week and most of that went on bus fare and board. Just got pocket money. Changed days now. My Grandkids get more than that and only 8.
When I joined the RF in 1968 I was picking up £8 per week and it was all pocket money! Never been so well off since.
Should read RAF
£9.50 per week as a junior shorthand typist back in the early 70's. I even used to buy clothes and save Post Office saving stamps out of that. That was a local firm.

I then got lured by the bright lights of London and moved on.

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