Aww're so good..Doggy liked ya too :)
The two houses on the corner of my street are rented out...the landlord doesn't half pick his tenants. The last family who lived in one of the houses were completely shocking, the mother used to walk across the road from her house, squat down and go to the toilet in the street!!! It was disgusting.
We called the police once on my neighbour (woman) who was fighting with another woman in the middle of the street - all over the father of the neighbours daughter. The police are a regular visitor to my neighbour, only last week she called them because her son, hit his sister in the face twice (his 18 shes 16)
my neighbours are brilliant! very quiet, no trouble, and look out for one another when on hols. I get on well with both sides, and hope they never move.
hey, I'm off in a minute for our 2 weeks hol, must dash x
The neighbours on the right we wouldn't even know were there. Really nice couple....
The yolks that were fighting...Oh my lord! They are also nice but her talking voice is the same as my hissy fit voice....She used to wake us up on a weekend morning just telling the kids what they had to wear that day...
ttfn - you have to be very careful where knives are concerned. A friend of my husband was called from his work - his wife had been killed - stabbed by the neighbour's son when she tried to intervene as he was threatening his mother. Terrible - makes you wonder what to do if there is a fight going on.