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Pinkypie | 19:43 Wed 04th May 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
Does it cost money to a)set up a website b)maintain it? (as in pay a monthly/annual fee?)

Also where do i go to set one up?

Thank you :0)


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Well that depends on the type of website, how much info you want on it, is it for trading, how many pages, do you want it found for commercial reasons or will you be advertising it other ways etc.
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Thanks for replying. It isn't really going to include a lot of information to begin with. It will however be promoting myself.

I'm not selling anything, just putting together a profile of myself and my work as part of a CV, as my career choice (writer) means I need to do a bit of self promotion. I will probably need to add to it in time, but I really wont be advertising it, only giving out my web address.

Why not set up a Blog with Blogger?

This is free, easy to do, and does not require any web design skills.

Here is a blog set up by another writer
Link to blogger site did not work.

Lets try again
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Thank you, that's a great idea Pinky :0)

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