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LibDems decimated - what next for the coalition?

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Gromit | 04:10 Fri 06th May 2011 | News
22 Answers
// Nick Clegg is already coming under pressure to adopt a more confrontational stance towards the Tories as results show that the Liberal Democrats have taken an electoral battering in all parts of Britain. In some councils in northern England their numbers are being slashed. In Scotland and Wales the Lib Dem vote has also collapsed.

According to calculations by Sky, if these results were replicated in a general election Ed Miliband would win a majority of 341. The Tories would have 256 seats and the Lib Dems just 18. //

Will LibDems idly stand by and watch the party die, or will they Break the coaltion? Or something else? Is a General Election more likely or less likely?


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Would the combined UKIP and BNP vote win a seat? I doubt it.
To vote BNP as your first preference and then a serious contender as your second wouldn't do anything for the BNP's standing. If you don't win seats you're an also ran, nothing more
Surely small parties such as the BNP and UKIP could never hope to form a government. They are never likely to get more than one or two seats in Parliament. Are there only two parties in America - Republican and Democratics (I'm not sure here but that's how it seems to me)? Perhaps we should have only two parties here. It might solve a lot of argument and make politics more clear to the proletariat. Although I suppose someone would start shouting about the freedom of the individual if that was suggested.

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