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Greasy head mark on leather chair.

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max26758 | 13:33 Sun 08th May 2011 | Site Suggestions
3 Answers
Our new leather suite has a glossy finish. My husband has a greasy head even though he has little hair left. There is a dull mark where he rests his head on the back of the chair. Any idea how to remove this without affecting leather?


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Wet soft cloth with warm water and rub it across a wet bar of Dove Moisturising Soap several times.
Wash the seats thoroughly, rinsing out the cloth and reapplying the soap as it becomes soiled.
Do not rinse: instead, dry with a soft cloth.
Quoted from 'Talking Dirty with the Queen of Clean'
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Many thanks scotman . I will give it a go & see what happens.
The scotman 'clean-up' sounds like it would work, but for future preventitive measures Google up "antimacassar" and then hotfoot it to your nearest second-hand store for one (or a dozen)...

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Greasy head mark on leather chair.

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