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Is it mutton dressed as lamb?

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anotheoldgit | 10:56 Mon 09th May 2011 | ChatterBank
69 Answers

One hears this said on numerous occasions, but mainly by younger persons who could not hope to look as good in their clothes, as someone who happens to be much older than them.

Older men have also been criticised for stealing mainly younger men's fashions such as jeans.

Providing that one dresses tastefully does it really matter how old one is, or does one have to 'dress down' because of their advancing years?


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I agree with craft. I think she looks awful. Those clothes do not suit her at all. She could still wear something that makes her look young and sexy - there are plenty of glamourous clothes in the shops. That outfit would suit a sixteen year old, not an over sixty. Look at her face, neck and arms if you want to see how old she is.
Quite right SB............certainly not much time, effort, or thought, has gone into the 'outfit'..............
"no-one over the age of 15 should say whatevver" - oh my dayyyz ! That is well peak man !
...FAIL (ftw)
I agree that the outfit is something a twelve year old might wear in the garden, it does her no favours and she could look stunning given the fact she is slim.
Ignore me old git, I'm a little giddy today....

I put my knickers on the wrong way round and everything has gone a little hazy.
I think something more classical would make her look stunning
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She definitely doesn't look her age.

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Is it mutton dressed as lamb?

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