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Craft....or anyone residing in York

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ummmm | 13:45 Tue 10th May 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
My friends niece is getting married in York next week and she's thinking along the lines of an antique piece. She's looking to buy something for her to collect. Can you recommend any shops/emporiums?


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There's an antiques market (at least, it was still there last year) on the street just off the road above Lendal bridge, next to the music shop and a couple of doors away from the main Post Office.
That's the one I meant across from the Museum Gardens th............
Craft - i'm pretty certain I passed one on Micklegate when i was walking to Blossom Street to get my tattoo done
I used to use the one in Micklegate but I can't remember what it used to be called. I think it's now called The French House but don't know what it's like and it's a bit out of town compared to the rest.
Going to Ruby Hearts were you Welshy/
Yep, Mick Tomo (Ruby Arts) did the tattoo - I did post it as my av for a couple of days when I had it done
He did mine years ago................
Changed the av back to the tat for now, hopefully, in case you haven't seen it
That's a brahma Mick, what does it say?
The top scroll says Sylvia and the second 1957-2011 - and the name's not mick!! Obviously there is a cross with a white rose (as if there is any other) plus Sylvia's favourite red admiral butterfly
Very nice Julian x
Thank you,

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