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Why do some weeks drag?

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jd_1984 | 07:43 Wed 11th May 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Cant believe its only Wednesday - I havent got a particularly heavy schedule this week, but my word its dragging! Must be because I have plans at the weekend and therefore i am wishing the time away to get to the weekend - something you shouldnt really do!
Weird though, last week flew by?


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i sometimes think if you are thinking about it too much, it seems to drag even more. Im sure your weekend will be worth it when it comes.
The only time my life has dragged was when my husband was in the army many years ago. The rest of it has passed so quickly I wonder where it has all gone. And, currently, I have no sooner got up than it is time to go to bed again. Make the most of every minute jd, life is shorter than you think.
"I havent got a particularly heavy schedule this week"

That's the problem. Get busy and the world flies by.

Equally, you'll find you have more time the busier you are. How does the saying go? "If you want something done find a busy person."

Spare Ed
You are a philosopher spare ed.
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My weeks going slow because I returned this week after 9 days off and have decided I do actually hate my job. Oh well.
this week is dragging and i'm mega busy
id say, be happy you have employment >

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Why do some weeks drag?

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