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A new book anyone ?

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webbo3 | 09:05 Thu 12th May 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Dave. Media URL:


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Morning Dave...:-)))
Question Author
morning Joy. x
I cant believe it !!!!!!! who wrote it ? or better still which one of the A/bers do you think could be the author ?
Question Author
not sure why the image is so large but if you click on it it will reduce in size and you can make your own book.

should also read......
how to be sanctamonious, holier than thou and full of your own importance ;-)
nice one webbo.
Hi there,

Sorry, inserted that without a width parameter. Should all be fixed!
Question Author
Tnx Ed.

Question Author
wasn't sure who to use as author/s so i left that bit blank, but as i said you can make your own copy by clicking on the image.


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A new book anyone ?

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