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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 00:52 Thu 12th May 2011 | ChatterBank
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Night mamya. We like a bit of motown. xx
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Hi Jan ♥
Hello Mamya. My bad news came true. We had to put my beloved dog, Hamish to sleep this afternoon. Everyone here is devastated, but he was my dog and we barely spent a day apart in nearly 14 years. He was very ill with various complaints and he was in pain at the end, so it was the kindest thing. I'm not posting this in the correct category, I know. But people on this thread know me best. I am going to have an early night as the stress of the last few days is taking it's toll.
I a so sorry to hear your news Sir Alec. Since I lost my dog six years ago I haven't been able to have another but I know how you feel. Just try to remember the good times when he was well and running around. xxx
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Oh SirAlec, am so sad to gear that news about Hamish, but as you say he is now safe and out of any pain, night night sweet Hamish ♥
So sorry Sir A
Sweet dreams, Mamya, ttfn ♥
For Seve Ballesteros RIP
SirA - I have only just read your post about Hamish. I am so sorry for you, but you have done the right thing for your beloved companion, I am sure. I know exactly how you feel. Cherish all those years of happy memories with him ♥
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Best friends ♥
hope this works
no it didn't back to the drawing board.
fingers crossed
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Night night song from Mamya♥

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