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Euro lottery

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moonraker558 | 07:26 Fri 13th May 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I see it is £107,000,000 tonight...just wondering how much interest would that amount too on a weekly basis.


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Assuming 2% net it is about £32,600 per week
I could spend that.

Sorry that was last week's figure. £107M at 2% net/ annum = £41,100 per week.
I could spend that, too :o)
If you had that amount, you could probably attract a return of about 4% net, giving you about £82,000 a week. Still not as much as Mr Rooney.

I was been conservative, not being familiar with sums of that size. You are probably in the right area.
the interest would make me a very nice birthday present :)
Yeah, Scotty, I think that neither of us would complain whether it was your approximation or mine ;)
Gawd, that's as much as some professional footballers earn for all their hard work of a week. :)

I won a tenner on Wednesday, think I'll invest it in this racing certainty. How hard can it be to win? :D
If I won that, I might even stop shopping at Netto.
I could really live it up on that amount.
Arti - congratulations on attaining your avatar. I see you meant it when you said it was going to be a collapsed balloon.
I wish I was a criminal because I'd probably be luckier, regards winning it; you're always hearing from forensics about it being a one-in-a-billion chance that someone else committed the crime, so they must be quite lucky.
Thanks, starby :) Actually I had higher aspirations for my avatar, but that 'postversation' we had the other night made me change my mind.
Well arti, I am very fond of 'old' sayings, perhaps because I am old. One comes to mind at the moment 'You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself' or something like that. Sometimes I can't remember them exactly, but it gets my meaning over, I think.
The only way most of us can make that sort of money is by sensible gambling.
At my age and with no children ...I'm almost 50 ..I would draw down the capital also...say spend £50 million and leave the remainder in my will to the cats home

But even spending the 50 million would be a challenge
Being as it's Friday 13th I have decided to have a lucky Dip on Euro Lottery ! Today will be lucky for some !!

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