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OMG, sing something simple...or what?

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Bobbisox | 00:50 Sat 14th May 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
This is so quiet in here, where are all the people?
sing Karaoke, do a joke, do summat..LOL


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and ooohhh you are so predictable;;;LOL
Have yer had a few Bobbi ? you sound jolly
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I have, Mamya, but then I am always jolly with a few...or without x
You are
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did you hear of the oirish family to rushed to Selfridges sale as they heard on the news that summer bed linen was attacked by seals.
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but I might have to go to bed, there is nothing happening in here
Yo Triggs baby, get on my night song thread ♥
Hi Bobbi. Been on and off all evening but celebrating my win on the geegees today with a vodka or two.
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ha-ha Tamb x
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Hey Jan, well done pet x
Had to think about that onemore than once Tamb. Very funny once I got it. Its late that's my excuse.
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It's Irish not oirish
The boy stood on the burning deck
Playing a game of cricket
The ball went up his trouser leg
And hit his middle wicket.
Who remembers 'sing something simple' on radio 2 after the charts on a Sunday evening? It used to depress me because it signalled the end of the weekend and school the next day!
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ha-ha Dave....
Morning peeps, I am bright eyed and bushy tailed after my outing..LOL

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OMG, sing something simple...or what?

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