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TWR | 20:17 Sat 14th May 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
What sort of Town / City/ Area do you live in? is it Rough? Noisy due to chavs? Dishonest? would steel your teeth if given chance.


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Ex-pit village, nice and quiet where we are, but just down the road is a bit of a rough estate, still in the most part it's ok
St Albans, Herts.. no to all the above!
Hicksville - quiet except for occasional farm stock. The road can be a bit busy at times. I could never live in a city again.
It is semi rural here, Last week I would have said it was quiet. but recently there has been two bodies badly battered, found in a country lane and a couple of days later another body about a mile away which had been set on fire. It seems we are being dragged into the world of CSI Miami.or even Midsomer Murders.
semi-rural. Other end of the street has a few chavs but if they stay there, that's fine.

It's quieter here than when we used to live in a more rural area. That was a cross-roads for the local gangs to have a go at each other.
Live in a s**t hole of a town. Quite a lot of chavs but most folk are decent. That said OH has a good job here and kids are in good schools so mustn't grumble.
Remote Norfolk where the man down the road is out looking for his lost cat. A young driver did pull out a bit quick at the junction the other day, but thats' about the height of it thankfully.
Tiny village in Herts, population about 350, 1 pub , 1 school, no shops :o)
Nice little town on the whole, lots of holdaymakers in Summer, so can be very busy when the sun shines, but I'm very happy here!...............
Quite nice, a bit lairy on Saturday nights, quite expensive.
Used to be a lovely wee town in a beautiful area, but due to all the local industries closing down it's now in a sorry state - high unemployment/alcohol/drug problems. That said, there are still a lot of good folk about and despite there having been a good few murders over the years I still feel safe to walk at any time of the day or night (the murders are all drug related and are amongst 'their own')
Little village in Worcestershire, absolutely a nice place to live with friendly people and nothing I don't like about it.
A city with lots of different areas - rough, chavvy, snobby, nice - the whole gamut. I live in a 1930s semi in a nice, not too snobby, not too chavvy, fairly quiet neighbourhood. We do sometimes have the chavs from the nearby Chav Station Central passing through, but they're not too much of a problem.
Very small rural village, 1 shop, 1 pub can be noisy during the harvest. no chavs etc. The only problem is, if you so much as sneeze the whole village knows about it :)
Lovely village. Town Hall and Mayor dead corrupt and the locals aren't too honest either. Lovely till the tourists arrive. Sta Eulalia Ibiza. Any place that needs Placards up saying "A Tourist is a friend" needs help!
small village, no probs with Chavs , no noise either
I answered on the other thread:
My town has some lovely historic parts surrounding it, but the town itself it quite depressed and unexciting. It's very small and no main stores to speak of. Sad to say, but no get up and go, to do anything to change it.
Quite a nice village in Oxfordshire. I say village but at the last count it had a population of 7000 and it's growing. It's got it's down sides but on the whole it's a nice play to live.
Hastings has it's chav areas and there's a part of St Leonards, where I live, we call Beirut but the old town is lovely with the fishing boats and huts and full of tourists in the summer.

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