I own a property I rent out have a buy to let mortgage on the property, I no I can add my partner on to this mortgage no problem. Could I also put him on the deeds, so that in a couple of months time he could then do a re-mortgage in his name only, due to me having some adverse credit back in 2007.
If you add him to the mortgage the mortgage company will insist his name goes on the deeds.
Your name can only be removed from the deeds and mortgage if the mortgage company is satisfied that he fits their criteria.
Being married or not is nothing to do with it.
You do know that if you do this then you could lose the house?
deeds are irrelevant, it's the entry at the land registry that matters. The lender will demand due process before they allow someone to share the charge.
thanks, we both want to be on deeds but just have the mortgage in his name, we would sort out the legal side, with a sol and have everything 'safeguarded' to protect both of us
If the mortgage was in his name only your name would have to come of the deeds, or Title Register at the Land Registry, UNLESS the mortgage was less than half of the value of the house and you owned it as tenants in common rather than joint tenants.