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Can't belive it......

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yelenots | 13:07 Sun 15th May 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Sat here having a nice cup of tea and the Rag & Bone man is driving down our road shouting out of the window!! Not seen anything like it since I was a little girl!
My teenage son thinks its mad!!


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The nearest thing we have to that is the scrap merchant who comes round every week. If I have anything (which is quite often because the kids do their bikes in the garden and often leave their bits of bike lying around) i leave it in a box near the gate, but not outside, and he knows he can take whatever there is. Serves two purposes, - he is making a living and I am getting rid of the rubbish. He has a foreign accent but I don't know what nationality he is. Suspect Polish. Who cares, as long as I get rid of the scrap.
Or the guy that was collecting for a new swimming pool, so I gave him a bucket of water! (I'll go now!)
About 35 years ago, my sister gave her brand new coat to the 'rag and bone' man for a balloon. My mum wasn't too happy; she still had 28 weeks left to pay for it, to the catalogue.
Irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooonnnnnnn!!! annnyyyy olllddd irrrrroooonnnnnnnnnnn!
It's the price of scrap metal,we've got loads of "tatters" round here.
Copper is £4000 a ton,aluminium £1400 and normal scrap is £240

I weighed a van load in for a friend the other day (1.2 tonne of mixed scrap) and got £260 cash..Not bad for 3 hours "work"
so they won't take my old wardrobe?
A bone man might take it if you have any skeletons in it Sara :-)
lol ;o)
I used to think he was shouting Knee Phone when I was a young boy so he's always been known aS the knee phone man. Not seen one for years.
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Wheaten.......I've got one of those too!!
We still get a knife and scissor man...haven't seen the onion sellers for a while though.
Brilliant for your son to witness a slice of history yele, must have amused him. Steweys oatcake tale was lovely. Once in a while they can be seen where I live, but that hasn't happened in a long while.

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