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Off to bed early tonight folks

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BAKERS DOZEN | 22:48 Mon 16th May 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Had a prang in the van today and am beginning to stiffen up so off for a hot shower and an early night. Hope I feel better in the morning than I do now. Night all.


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Oh Dear, take care BD, have a nice nights sleep
Bobbi x
BakersDozen please go to A&E in the morning and get them to check you for whiplash.
What a pity BD, thank goodness it was no worse for you - hope you feel much better tomorrow. Sweet dreams and ttfn xx
ouch BD,, go to A&E tomorrow, get checked out. x
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Not my fault thank goodness. Got sideswiped by idiot who ignored a give way sign and who was also trying to enter a road that was closed for the day. The look on his face when a 6ft policeman jumped out of the back of the van was nearly worth it.
Sleep well, BD.

I hope that you feel better in the morning.
Doubtless BD but please take it from a professional driver and get yourself checked over in the morning.
Agree with others, please get yourself checked over.
Take a couple of Paracetamol's BD, Hope you have a peaceful nights sleep.

Night-Night - Jem
Hope you feel better in the morning too.

Night night. x
Oh no! :( hope you're feeling better tomorrow, BD.
night night.
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Ta Soph and everyone else for your good wishes and advice. Drive round in an unmarked van every day so know the score. Its in the accident book at the office and the report has been typed. Just had tablets and hot chocolate. Let you know tomorrow how I feel.
Let us kow AFTER you've been checked out BD x
good advice been given here bd..hope you are ok...
Hope you feel better soon chocolate eclair aka bakers dozen. I know what it's like. Horrible feeling. You should get it checked because of insurance claims, apart from your own health.
Anyway, here I am still up at gone midnight, so I'm off to bed - night all.
Night Star, sweet dreams and ttfn ♥

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Off to bed early tonight folks

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