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Screen image upside-down.

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anotheoldgit | 12:43 Tue 17th May 2011 | Technology
12 Answers
The other day I mistakenly pressed certain keys on my key board and the image on my screen turned upside-down.

By doing a 'Google' search I found that by holding down the CTRL, ALT, and the UP-ARROW keys, everything was back to normal.

Has anyone else had this problem?


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I think you'll find that Chuck says its a classic IT prank!!
It only works on certain systems. I have never had a computer where that was possible via the keyboard.
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Since I did this accidentally and you say "that it is not a problem, it's just rotating the screen", what keys would have to be pressed to rotate the screen?
Yep, it's not a problem, it's a feature.

A lot of people that do design work use wide-screen monitors that can be rotated to be portrait orientation as it provides a closer aspect ratio to a piece of paper.

It's also a great prank to play on people :)
CTRL + ALT and any of the other arrow keys.

Which ever arrow key you press will become the top of the screen (so if you press the down arrow it turns it upside down)
I believe you can turn this option off.

Go into Windows Control Panel and there is an iucon for Intel GMA Driver.

Under Options and Support is "Hot Key Manager".

Just disable this option.
Doesn't work for me Chuck, what could I possibly be doing wrong?
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Thank you all for your interesting and very informative answers.

I should have asked the ABers before I Googled, but it was very difficult to control the mouse pointer, being upside-down and all that.

Thanks once again.
That hotkey combo is only for some intel graphics chips, so You've probably got either an Intel graphics chip that doesn't support it, or an ATI chip, in which case the rotate option is in the catalyst control centre, or an Nvidia chip, in which case you'd need to install NVrotate (as long as your card supports it)
If you want to save the use of one finger you can use Alt Gr button instead of Alt and Ctrl together I found out recently.
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I seem to remember that I had the 'Num Lock' on at the time.

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Screen image upside-down.

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