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Daily Murders figures

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TWR | 19:17 Tue 17th May 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Once of a day it wasn't that often you see a murder reported in the tabloid but now it's every day, when is this going to end? & what will end it?


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i'm sure when all humans are dead then it will end
Same as Jack^^. Man (as a species) is a vicious animal and will never stop killing in one way or another, whether it be singly, as in murder, or en masse, as in war.
When I was working in New Orleans there were murders on the news every single day. I'd think that it would be more newsworthy if there weren't any.
"Provisional figures show the police recorded 648 incidents of homicide in 2008/09, the lowest recorded level in the last 20 years. "
Source: http://www.independen...year-low-1748627.html
Get your facts right, TWR!

With 619 homicides last year, and a population of around 61.9 million, simple mathematics shows that's around 10 homicides per million people. That's about the same as in 1975 (10.3 homicides per million people) or even in 1900 (9.6 homicides per million people).

Back to school, I think, TWR ;-)

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It's each day you pick the paper up Chris.
That would mean only 365 murders per year...........
What would, jth? One murder per year per million of population means around 600 murders a year
Sorry jth, I realise now you were referring to TWR's "every day " comment

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