It is an awfully big sum, but long division is possible.
First you have to get rid of the decimal point, so instead of dividing 456,792 by 34.897, you divide 456792000 by 34897. (This is exactly the same sum, you've just multiplied both sides by 1000).
34897 is 5 digits long, so:
Estimate how many times you think 34897 would go into the first 5 digits of 456792000, ie 45679.
This would be 1. 1 is the first number of your answer.
Multiply 34897 by one =34897.
Subtract 34897 from 45679 =10782 this is the remainder
Bring down the next figure from 456792000 and attach it to the end of the remainder, ie 107822.
Now estimate how many times you think 34897 would go in to 107822.
That would be probably be 3.
Multiply 34897 by 3 =104691 It fits, 3 is the second number of your answer. (13 so far)