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This reminded me of cottage cheese . . .

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MissCommando | 17:03 Thu 19th May 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just stumbled upon this, it's put me off my tea lol


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euuuuggghhhh...and yuk!
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Miss C.... Interesting...I don't know which hospital that was filmed in, but it is an excellent example of how not to remove a sebaceous cyst, but that will recur again in less than 6 months.
i think it was filmed in lidl's
slinky....LOL watchit....mrs sqad is a big fan of Lidl's
ok squad 'the pound shop???
What a pimple to pop!!
sorry but I love squeezing spots [ other peoples though !] I used to say to my boys when they were teenagers why havent you got spots like other kids ! my brother used to have boils on his neck where his collar used to touch, they always got me to squeeze them !
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lol, it's ok, I love squeezing spots too. I was shocked to find a blackhead on my 4 year old daughter's cheek last week! It was high up around the eye and I had to squeeze it.

I watch all sorts of videos on youtube lol. Sqad, I thought these sebaceous cysts always came back anyway?
I loved that sort of thing when I was nursing,,,, but Sqad is of course right it will fill back up again .... biggest one I saw was over 2 inches across and the contents smelt like the worst teenagers trainers you can imagine....
The secret is to excise the cyst without bursting it.......then it will not recur.
I had one removed from a similar position some years ago and as squad says the doc fetched it out with out bursting the sack he showed it to me and it was as big as a hens egg and fairly revolting. It left a huge hole in my back that had to cleaned and packed daily so the wound healed properly and if you know where to look you can still see a slight indentation but it never came back
Once you have the cyst sac out of the body, THEN you can pop it with whatever you fancy and see the gunge ooze.......nice.

The Chinese probably put those small cooked slimy mushrooms in it and eat it as a delicacy......

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This reminded me of cottage cheese . . .

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