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Its Doomesday

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Dee Sa | 09:39 Thu 19th May 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Listening to James Whale on the radio yesterday and he said some religious 80 something nut in the US [ where else ?] has predicted that today the world ends and only his "believers" will be saved! So this could be my farewell message to all A/Bs, the world is nigh ! this old guy says the prediction came from the good book, so take all your money out of the bank and spend it ! and if you have always wanted to give someone you know a good slap now is the time !


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Damn, I already used the last of my Cyanide at my last cult...
Perhaps I'll wait and pay my Telephone bill tomorrow..
Dee, what frequency or what station does JW work for please
Apparently the world will end because all gay people will explode and cause noxious gasses!! Well, it was something like that anyway. He blames gay people - suppose it makes a change from the Muslims getting the blame!
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Bobbi he is on LBC late afternoon weekdays, Nick Ferrari early mornings is good too, but I only listen whilst in the car.
Thank you Dee
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carole he sounds like something out of Monty Python when they used to say Mrs Ni**erbater has exploded ! what a stupid old man and what have gays ever done to him that he wants to pick on them, thats not very Christian is it ?
What again?
Yeah, but should I buy, or sell ?
Americans got it wrong, as jno has pointed out


Unless it's ending on 2 days running!
adieau..adieae to you and you and you......farewell...!!!!!
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Damn! I thought i had till Saturday. Don't you just hate it when that happens.
Its confusing when they don't put disaster dates in GMT.
he doesn't look like me!!!
Better get the washing in, then.
Must go out and take a DFS lease for new furniture, no need to honour the agreement on my side. may as well be comfortable when the meteor/bomb/whatever hits.
I stayed up late so that I could say told you so.

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