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Toddles peeps xx

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albaqwerty | 00:14 Fri 20th May 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I know I'm wimping out but a huge thank you to craft

I must get the gin inthe garge topped up. Craft is wonderful btw and I won't have a word said againt her.

Night folks xxxxx


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What did she do alba?
Night to you too, didn't realiseit was so late.♥♥♥
Night night Alba xxx
Just arrived on here, so hello and goodnight alba!
Night alba..............we'll look at your mother's side tomorrow.
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I've just rescued meself from the bathroom to say nighty night to you lovely ladies.

Craft discovered a load of my history on one side, but the other is still a mystery

May I call you two my favourite aunts? Only if you are mature enough :) xxxxxxx
Oidhche mhath, Alba!
youre a couple of Fly Characters -youre names popped up simultaneously!
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Mark I'm supposed to be going to my beddy-byes. x

Nice to see you even if you talk in tongues. I could so do with you sitting with my OH and IK when he plays his infernal poker and they chit chat in French. And German. And Cyrillic,

Ouch I know, started a sentence with and, please forgive

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Toddles peeps xx

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