IMHO - IMO a daft expression in The AnswerBank: Technology
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IMHO - IMO a daft expression

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WaldoMcFroog | 10:52 Tue 29th Apr 2003 | Technology
7 Answers
'In My Humble Opinion' - IMHO.

Am I alone in despising this expression, especially in emails? It's not that the phrase is so bad per se, but it nearly always occurs after the author launches into some highly opinionated statement that is guaranteed to raise hackles, and wishes to ward off the backlash. Wusses! .

But I do dislike it. It's entirely fair and right that people should be able to give contrary opinions and might wish to state that it is subjective. But if you're going to say something, 'IMO' is fine. If you have an opinion that you consider worth sharing, you shouldn't be prissy and 'humble' about it!

If people happen to dislike it, they will, regardless of how humble you claim to be, and in my case, the pretence at humility is an additional irritant. .

Am I just a crotchety git?
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What if it was In My Honest Opinion?
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Then it *ahem* slightly knackers my arguement ;-) but then again, there's not much reason for putting your dishonest opinion, is there?
yes. well no. well maybe... The trouble with this site is that you have to (at least IMHO i think you should <>) distinguish between what is a genuine, factual answer, and what is just ones own opinion so yes, if what you respond with is just opinion and not fact, then please let us know so!
I'm guilty as charged of the occasional IMHO. I suppose I'm just a Slave to Convention. Or is it just me trying to appear youthful, hep and 'with it' by adopting the jargon of da kidz?
Try some of the more technical newsgroups - you'll soon get lost in IIRC's TIA's IMHO's IWBNI's and so on!!!
I always imagine a petulant, crypto-American teenage entity, something between Cartman and Miss Piggy saying it. It's all bad. All of it. Aaaaarrrgh.
Also, as someone once said, "Don't be so humble, you're not that good."

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IMHO - IMO a daft expression

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