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karenmac60 | 02:19 Sun 22nd May 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Since it would appear there are only a few of us around, what is your problem with public sector workers? I replied to your sarcasm on an earlier thread but I think it is now too far in the past for you to bother with. I am not trying to stir anything up, but you seem to have a problem with people in the public sector getting a liveable wage, and I would like to know why. We do a job. Do we not deserve to be paid for it?


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It is not public sector workers, but some public sector organisations I have a problem with. I have worked in the public sector all my life, Civil Service, Royal Air Force, Local Education Authorities. It is the term "Quango" which particularly gets up my nose; mainly because it is treated as "non-governmental" when in fact it is.
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So why did you put 'sob' after my comment about losing terms and conditions on my local sector job?
It was meant to be light-hearted, inasmuch as worse things happen at sea, but if it caused you offence then I heartily apologise.
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That was my whole point Mike- that we are all being told 'at least we have a job'. It doesn't help when you can't pay the bills. I don't have a luxurious lifestyle, my husband and I both work part time in the same place, we can't get full time work, we have never had a holiday together, we buy second hand clothes and we have no social life. We are not asking much, just to be paid a reasonable amount for the job we do - we do not expect to be made a mockery of because it is tax payers money that pays us.
Karen, interesting post from your self, just look at the post from Eddie regards The first Issue this will get your back up.x
If anyone deserves paying .. it's you Karen : ) xx

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