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Is Mamy online

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TonyV | 18:24 Sun 22nd May 2011 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Mamy - can you give me another one of thoses blue smarties that you let me had last night.
By the way the beret fits ok - quite like it


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couldn't find either as I left
Well there we have our answer, I will knit you a new one for next week, so no one is disappointed.
but assumed the cleaners had tidied up
The blue tablets went down Tony's slippery throat
all the way down to that little hole so remote
and now they lie on the bed of the mossy moat
waiting for me DTC the cleaner to remove my coat
to dig them out and feed them one by one to her Ladyship's goat
'Must knit a hat for Mojo
but one thing I really must know,
How many stitches to cast,
For I never asked,
The size of the bonce, oh oh'
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DT - you know how good Mamy is with her trolley', and bedside manner second to none
You still up Tony? those pills are better than I thought, maybe just half next time.
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Still up Mamy - can I have purple one later?
Now you are getting ambitious, you will be after the green and yellow striped ones next.
Me wanna pill too...

...Ok, I'm off for some kip then - night all, especially the lovely mamyalynne!! ♥ xx

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